Top 5 Benefits Of Using An Elliptical Trainer

Considering an elliptical trainer? Wondering how an elliptical trainer can benefit you?

If you’re trying to decide between an elliptical trainer and another piece of exercise equipment, here are the top 5 unique elliptical trainer benefits to help you decide:

No Impact:

Recently my 60-year-old mother tried my elliptical trainer and she was shocked at how easy it felt on her joints (she’s a regular treadmill user).

Elliptical trainer workouts are safe on the joints and provide a no impact workout (as opposed to a treadmill where you feet hit the deck with every step). This is ideal for people with back, knee, hips and joint problems as well as older people looking for a no-impact workout.

Weight-Bearing Exercise:

While using an elliptical machine gives you a no-impact workout, the resistance exercise still helps to build bone density and fight off osteoporosis.

As well, weight bearing exercise helps you burn calories much more efficiently (and keeps your calorie burn high for several hours after a workout)

Saves Time

Because most elliptical trainers incorporate upper body arms, elliptical workouts tend to involve the whole body and give you an overall better workout - meaning you burn more calories in less time. That’s always a benefit.

Elliptical trainers have also been proven to offer a lower ‘Perceived Rate of Exertion’ when working out. This means that you’re doing more work and burning more calories while feeling like you put out less effort.

Fights Boredom

About the Author

Kathryn O’Neill is the chief editor for Elliptical Trainer Review
For more buying tips, elliptical brand reviews, and best buys visit

Tags: Articles

Tags: fitness equipment, home exercise equpiment, home gym

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