Free Weights
Are Free Weights the Best Results-Producing Piece of Home Exercise Equipment You Can Buy?
Along with fitness machines, free weights are another choice of home exercise equipment you can utilize to reach your fitness goals. A set of dumbbells, barbells and a weight bench is all you need to get in shape.
Here are some advantages and disadvantages when working out with free weight equipment:
• You can effectively work all major muscle groups and tone the whole body with weights
• You can perform multiple exercises with a set of dumbbells and a barbell
• With proper form and a well designed exercise program, you can achieve results quickly
• You may require someone to “spot” you during certain exercises with a heavy weight
• There is a higher learning curve compared to exercise machines-you’ll need to learn the proper form of each exercise when you’re using a dumbbell or barbell
• Depending on the type of free weight set you have, you might need to purchase heavier weights or more dumbbells and barbells
• There’s a greater risk of injury-if you’re not sure on what you’re doing, you’ll probably get hurt faster than you get fit
Overall, a free weight set is an effective exercise tool to use at home to build strength, tone up, and keep fit.
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