Riding The Vision Fitness Elliptical Trainer

The Vision Fitness elliptical trainer comes in five models. Ranging from the low end to the higher end machine, the models are the Vision FitnessX6000 Folding, the Vision Fitness X6100 Folding, the Vision Fitness X6200 Folding, the Vision Fitness X6200HRT Folding, and the Vision Fitness X6600HRT Commercial Grade.

The lower end of the Vision Fitness ellipticals are more compact than the higher end and fold for storage. The handlebars move along with the pedals so that you can get an upper body workout. However this can be difficult and uncomfortable if you are a short person. You should try those machines in the store to see if they are a good fit for you.

All of the Vision Fitness ellipticals are made with the flywheel in the front, which is opposite from the ellipticals at the gym. This makes the motion somewhat different so it may take some getting used to. The brakes are mechanical on the lower end machines and tend to break more often, and need more attention. The higher end Vision Fitness ellipticals use an electro magnetic braking system which works better and is more reliable.

The front flywheel Vision Fitness ellipticals tend to wear out faster and get noisy after a while.

The Vision Fitness elliptical trainers come with a wide range of warranties depending on which one you buy. If you do decide on a Vision Fitness elliptical it is advisable to purchase one of their higher end machines.

About the Author

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Elliptical-Trainer-Solutions.com. He provides more elliptical trainer ratings, rankings and elliptical trainer reviews that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Tags: Articles

Tags: homegym, home exercise equpiment, treadmill

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