Home Gym Workout: Train without Equipment

You can get a total body resistance training and aerobic conditioning workout right in the comfort of your own home. An exercise routine with a home gym workout the muscles (resistance training), and a cardio machine exercises your heart and lungs. You don’t need the best fitness equipment in the world to perform a resistance training and aerobic workout at home; in fact, you can get away with no equipment at all! Here are some ways to get the benefits of resistance training and cardio training without a home gym or any exercise equipment:

Home Exercise with Calisthenics

Calisthenics, otherwise known as body weight exercises, can give you a muscle pumping resistance training workout without weights. Pushups, chin-ups, squats and crunches are done without weight. To increase the difficulty of the pushup and chin-ups, you can try to perform them one-handed.

To get a cardio workout, you can do jumping jacks. Add in a series of calisthenics exercises along with the jumping jacks and you’ll find that it may be more difficult than just running on a treadmill.

Overall, if you have a home gym machine, you can take a break from it with bodyweight exercises to add variety to your workouts. If you don’t have any exercise machines, you can still get a challenging workout without any equipment right in the comfort of your own home.

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