Have Fun With The Nordic Track Elliptical Trainer

The Nordic Track elliptical is a lower end priced machine. People who have purchased the Nordic Track elliptical are more than satisfied with their decision.

The Nordic Track elliptical is a heavy unit and by comparable standards with other ellipticals, not very solidly constructed. The major drawback with this elliptical is that there is some movement and wobble when the machine is being used. Also worrysome is that the trainer tends to get a little noisy when you really get going on it. Putting the Nordic Track elliptical together takes a couple hours and does require a bit of patience when trying to work on the wiring.
The main complaint with the wiring is that the wires are far too long to fit easily. Another drawback with the Nordic Track elliptical is that the display is powered by four D batteries, which do not come with the machine.

Some people say the the Nordic Track elliptical has a long stride length, which could be a problem for shorter people, but no one has said that it was uncomfortable to use. The resistance is smooth for most and they feel the electronics are better built than most, but somewhat limited in what the machine does.

Aside from the minor problems with the assembly, and the little bit of wobble and noise at high speeds, this Nordic Track elliptical is thought to be a great value for the price. The Nordic Track elliptical comes with a limited warranty, and is recommended overall.

About the Author

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Elliptical-Trainer-Solutions.com. He provides more elliptical trainer ratings, rankings and elliptical trainer reviews that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Tags: Articles

Tags: homegym, fitness equipment, home gym

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