Free Weight Home Gyms

Free weight home gyms are the most effective home exercise equipment for building strength and muscle mass. Free weights equipment allow you to workout your muscles better than machine based workout equipment because you need to put more effort in balancing the weights. The fact that you need to balance, or stabilize free weights such as a dumbbell or barbell makes your muscles work harder during the exercise, thus providing the right stimulus for gains in strength and size.

For a home gym based on free weights, there are a few fundamental pieces equipment you’ll need. First, an Olympic barbell with Olympic weight plates, and dumbbell sets, such as adjustable dumbbells. Along with these you’ll need a weight bench (and adjustable bench is preferred because of its versatility), and a squat rack or power rack in order to perform heavy barbell lifts such as squats or dead lifts. A power rack has the safety advantage of being used for bench presses because you can place the safety pins at a height that is level to your chest. This is especially important if you’re working out alone at home with free weights.

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