Pacemaster Treadmills Reviewed

Pacemaster treadmills have been in the business for 35 years and in that time they have established themselves as a producer of high quality treadmills as recommended by a number of fitness industry experts and authorities.

Priced between $1,500 and $2,300 they are not the cheapest treadmills around but I still believe that they are great value for money. As I have said many times before, you generally get what you pay for when it comes to treadmills so if you think the pacemaster treadmills are too expensive I would suggest you ask yourself exactly what it is you are looking for in a treadmill and make you own choice from there.

In my opinion if you can’t or don’t want to spend over $1,000 on a decent treadmill then now is not the right time to buy. Although a <a target="_blank" href="http://www